Student Profile: Laila Williams, stage manager for “Almost, Maine”

     Meet Laila Williams, a junior and devoted technician (“techie”) here at East. 

     This year she is taking on the role of stage manager in this season’s play of “Almost, Maine.” For Williams, taking tech theater has opened up many new doors and opportunities. 

     “I think in college I might minor in tech theater if I can,” Williams said. “I didn’t think I would do that before high school.”

     Though Williams’s passion for tech is strong, she also voices how it is very time-consuming, and that she doesn’t “do anything else because [she’s] doing tech theater and [she has] a job.” 

     While she is at rehearsal, Williams enjoys being a part of the run crew, which is the crew that makes the magic happen during the actual performance, including the lights, sound, backstage help and more.

     Williams says she loves that tech theater has given her the opportunity to express herself, and is excited to bring “Almost, Maine” to life Nov. 10-12.

Photo by Avery Tortora/The ECHO

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