ECHO Op-Ed Policy

  • Students may write about any topic of their choosing, as long as it is school-appropriate (i.e. does not incite violence, contain obscenities, etc.)
  • All op-eds are subject to review by editorial staff prior to publication.
    • Op-eds may be subject to the ECHO’s multistage editing process, which involves the Opinions Editor, Editors-In-Chief and Advisor. 
  • The ECHO publishes a monthly print issue. If op-eds are timely by the time of layout, they may be published in the Opinions section of the newspaper.
    • Otherwise, op-eds may be published online at any time of month under Opinions.
  • Op-eds should be 250-500 words in length, though exceptions may be granted on a case-by-case basis after discussion with staff.
    • If you would like to select images to be featured as the main image online or embedded in the article, ensure they are no more than 500 kB in size and formatted as a jpg. Main header images should be horizontal with a 2:1 ratio.
    • Image credits should read: “Photo by Photographer Name.” or “Image created by Artist Name.”
  • Op-eds will be published under the author’s name, as a “Guest Contributor.” The ECHO typically does not publish anonymous articles: we may grant exceptions only in the case of topics related to personal or safety-related matters. 
  • Completed submissions should be emailed to ECHO advisor Neal Morgan at with the subject line “ECHO Student Op-Ed – Topic of the column”
    • Please ensure you have enabled sharing so that “anyone with the link” can edit.

As an open forum, the ECHO welcomes a diversity of voices. Students are welcome to submit their own op-eds for publication. 

If you have any questions, please contact Neal Morgan ( The Co-Editors in Chief are Helen Katz ( and Hammond Sherouse (