Fall is for Pumpkins!

  Pie, ice cream, wafer sticks, and even cereal! It’s that time of the year again where pumpkin-flavored foods are back in stores. Fall is one of my all time favorite seasons for a variety of reasons: the orange and red leaves, the cool breeze on my face, and most of all, the assortment of delicious pumpkin-flavored foods. As a whole, pumpkin season is underrated and should get more attention. Whenever I share my excitement of pumpkin season with my friends, none of them really seem interested in buying pumpkin foods. Pumpkin season should be recognized in schools and cafeteria food should serve pumpkin related dishes to help students become more aware of pumpkin season. 

     Supermarkets aren’t the only ones that sell pumpkin goodies either. Ice cream stores like Häagen-Dazs are selling pumpkin spice milkshakes and the Cheesecake Factory brings back their pumpkin cheesecake when fall comes around. Even Krispy Kreme has a pumpkin donut collection. Pumpkin ice cream, pumpkin samosas, pumpkin loaf, pumpkin oatmeal, pumpkin-stuffed ravioli… Anything, you name it! 

     My favorite pumpkin treat would be the pumpkin ice cream sandwiches from Whole Foods and the pumpkin glazed donut from Krispy Kreme. They both have this great cinnamon flavor and are the best way to relax after a long day.

     At home, I love experimenting in the kitchen and baking pumpkin recipes, like pumpkin muffins and pumpkin pancakes/waffles; I’ve also stuffed croissants with a delicious pumpkin spread from Trader Joe’s. I’m planning to use this spread as a pumpkin glaze for my mom’s birthday cake. Like me, my mom and sisters love pumpkin food, but all the different types of dishes require different pumpkins.

     From the classic orange pumpkin to yellowish-green pumpkins, which one is needed for treats like pumpkin pie? That would be “sugar pumpkins,” also called “pie pumpkins.” It’s important to use the right pumpkin if you want to achieve that perfect flavor!

     But as we know, all great things must come to an end. I fear the day when pumpkin foods will be removed from stores, but till then, I’ll be munching on my pumpkin wafer stick. Happy Pumpkin-making! 

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