ECHOlocation: We love churros

Tis the season of looming cold. With the oncoming weather, ECHOlocation found the perfect new cozy study spot. 

Nestled near Franklin Street’s intersection with Columbia, Shelby and I made the trek downtown to Epilogue Books Chocolate Brews. 

Now, usually, ECHOlocation is a chance to experience something new. This time, we decided to do our same old— just sitting and talking—in a new surrounding. The deep, warmly-lit labyrinth of books and chocolate smells is completely transformative from the rest of Franklin. 

The atmosphere alone is enough to praise. It’s warm, vast and exciting. The walls are adorned in colorful art when 

they aren’t lined with packed bookshelves. The store’s nooks to sit in are cozy and perfect for talking or just relaxing and reading. 

Epilogue describes itself as a “Spanish-style chocolatería,” and proves it with a menu full of churros, Spanish-style pastries and sipping chocolates. The sipping chocolates come in a diverse range of flavors, from Mexican chocolate to a normal hot chocolate to chocolate infused with lavender. We tried some of the weirder ones and some more classic sipping chocolates, and either way, the drinks are robust in flavor and help make the cafe’s cozy experience. 

The food takes a Spanish twist on classic cafe baked-goods, including traditional pastries. What’s gotten the most hype, though, are the different fried dough treats, including churros.
They’re coated in sugar and are light and airy, perfectly fitting for Epilogue’s atmosphere. 

I’m all about the vibes of the places I go, and Epilogue passes the vibe check. It’s a perfect combo of what cafes should be: peaceful but still social. When Shelby and I finished our drinks, we spent time walking around the rows of books in the cafe, free of judgment from anybody else. 

The excitement over Epilogue is justified—it’s refreshing for a place on Franklin St. It’s able to do “cafe” right, and pull it off with a theme. It definitely was a perfect break from the approaching rainy and cold weather of Chapel Hill.

Epilogue Books Chocolate Brews is a cafe (ECHO)located on 109 E Franklin St. Suite 100, Chapel Hill, NC 27514. https://

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