Club Spotlight: Quiz Bowl, Islam & cornhole

     For 10 points, name this Secretary of the Treasury who co-wrote the Federalist Papers. If you guessed Alexander Hamilton, you’d be right, and might enjoy Quiz Bowl!

     “[Quiz Bowl] is about communicating with others and being able to build up some academic knowledge in that process,” said Quiz Bowl president and junior Krishna Rajagopal. “It’s a good way to explore other academic pursuits that aren’t offered at this school.”

     In Quiz Bowl, teams compete against each other in trivia competitions. The questions are written by moderators and assembled into packets, which contain a variety of topics, including history, literature, science, fine arts, philosophy or geography.

     “Last year we were able to get third nationally,” Rajagopal said. “There’s no such thing as a one-person team that plays well.”

     If you’re interested, you can contact Krishna Rajagopal at or visit @echhs_quizbowl on Instagram.

The East Muslim Club. Photo by Reese Weddendorf/The ECHO

     The East Muslim Club was founded this year by Huseyin Abdullah Tuna.

     “The idea of the club was to create a space for Muslim students at East to come together to work on addressing [Muslim students’] needs collectively, and to create a space where anyone who wanted to learn… could come meet some Muslims and ask any questions they might have,” Tuna said. “Primarily, we want to be a space for Muslim students to feel comfortable, but we’re an open club.”

     Members from the Muslim club have spent time volunteering by picking up trash and have secured prayer spaces for Muslim students during school hours.

     “Before, people didn’t know if they could pray during the school day… People were praying in the library and the stairwells, wherever they could find space. People were pretending to go to the bathroom to pray, because they didn’t feel comfortable with [telling] their teachers,” Tuna said.

     You can learn more by emailing or by checking out @echhs_muslim_club on Instagram.

The Cornhole Club for Wellness. Photo by Avery Tortora/The ECHO

     “I think people don’t understand the zen that comes with cornhole.” 

     Senior Alex Pettit-Roth, president and founder of East’s Cornhole Club for Wellness, created the club this year, hoping to create a relaxing environment where people can enjoy playing the leisurely sport and form “big-brother, little-brother and big-sister, little-sister relationships” across students of all ages at East.      

     “[Cornhole] really helped me through these tough turbulent times,” Pettit-Roth said.

      With over 30 members, kids gather in the small gym every other Wednesday, to “fixate on something more simple,” as school can be a very stressful place. 

     Pettit-Roth hopes there will be cornhole tournaments in the near future and that the “exhilaration that comes with cornhole” can continue for years to come. 

     You can join the club by emailing or by messaging @echhs_cornholeclub on Instagram.

Photo by Reese Weddendorf/The ECHO

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