The Clubmaking Club

Yet another club was founded at East this year to help beef up people’s resumes. Dubbing itself “The Clubmaking Club,” or the CC, this club is centered around helping students come together to explore common interest—making clubs.

According to founder Eric Stanford, the CC was largely inspired by the trials he went through as a sophomore.

“I was taking 10 AP classes, preparing for the SATs again after scoring a low 1560, and running a small charity helping local homeless people on the side. But then I took a look at my ‘Get-into-Harvard’ checklist and realized I couldn’t check off starting a club, which was absolutely vital. I promptly panicked, but afterwards, I had an epiphany; while I don’t actually have any unique interests, I knew one thing that would attract a lot of students.”

Since that day, the CC has helped many students with their clubmaking woes.

“I always wanted to be able to brag that I started a club,” said junior Stephanie Lee, “and now thanks to the CC I can live my dreams. Even if nobody has any idea what a Save the Baby Water Bears Club actually does, it’s still technically an accomplishment, at least according to my college application. The CC also makes sure there are people to join your clubs, so I’m guaranteed members no matter how vague it sounds. It’s great.”

Other success stories from the CC include the End World Hunger Club, who meet once a month to continue their fight against starvation by supplying KFC and Doritos to all students present, and the Female Alaskan Natives Who Like Quilting Club, which currently has 50 members.

“Thanks to the Clubmaking Club, my resume finally makes me stand out,” said senior Joe Joseph, who joined the club this year. “Without the Clubmaking Club, colleges wouldn’t be able to gauge my interests. Now, they know what I’m into. Making my resume look good.”

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