Tell him the truth

Submissions for this advice column are taken from the ECHO Monthly Student Survey.

How do I find someone to date?

Just be yourself! Don’t worry too much; find someone who likes you for who you are. That being said, there are certain things that might draw someone’s attention: find a reason to talk to them, try to make them laugh, and always remember to shower. And if they don’t like you the way you like them, at least you got some flirting practice for your next love interest! 

I told my boyfriend that I’m applying to the same college as him, but I’m really not. I don’t know what to do after school, and I don’t want to be tied down. What should I do?

Ohhh k huntee. Just be honest with your boyfriend and tell him the truth. If he gets mad because it seems that you lied to him, just tell him you didn’t want to hurt his feelings, but ultimately, remember that you are a boss lady and you live your life the way YOU want. This boy should accept whatever it is you want for your VIP self. If he’s not okay with your decision, then he’s not the one for you.

How to get over a breakup?

The best way to get over a breakup is to start dating yourself. You may be surprised to find out that you have the ability to treat yourself better than any significant other can. And if you are struck by that lonely feeling every now and then, spend time with your family and friends and you’ll realize that those are the people you really need in your life, not someone who doesn’t want to be with you. 

My pet lizard hates me. 

Aw man. He probs thinks you’re weird for having a pet lizard.

Can you write my college essay?

No, but Hammond can.

I have too much money and cannot decide what to spend it on (I’m talking millions of dollars).

You could start with Nobu in the East cafeteria and a new spa-themed quad. What’s the best time to go to the rooftop swimming pool? Try skinny dipping in the middle of the day. 

What’s the best time to go to the rooftop swimming pool?

Try skinny dipping in the middle of the day.

I want to overthrow the government. What should I do?

To overthrow the government, you must first overthrow yourself.

I have no energy and hate the 8:55-4:00 schedule.

Get a crush. It’ll make your day a lot more interesting! 😉

How do I meet fellow seniors as a transfer senior? 

Try to join any clubs that interest you. People with similar interests tend to have the most to talk about. 

How to unbreak your knees? 

Go to the hospital plz. 

How do you catch a star? 

At lunchtime on Freshman Hill on a Tuesday, spin clockwise with your arms out 10 times while singing “Let it Go” from Frozen. That night, a star will come down from the sky and land in your room. 

Should I give my sister diet pills for Christmas?

This depends on the sister. If your sister constantly talks about dieting and has a good sense of humor, it could be a very funny gift. You know your sister best. Don’t do something that would really upset her on Christmas.

Image by Helen Katz/The ECHO

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