Students gear up for battle with combat boots

     Given the hostilities occurring around the globe, it is no surprise that the valiant students of East have taken in droves by donning their combat boots.  

     Sales of combat boots in the U.S. have risen 87 percent this past year, particularly concentrated in Chapel Hill, according to Doc Marten. The internet offers dozens of varieties of combat boots, from the very type of leather and color to platform size, which ranges anywhere from two to 10 inches. 

     “Some people think that combat boots are stylish, but I think they are a way of life,” said junior Joan Smith, who changes her boots multiple times a day depending on her “fragile emotional state.”  

     When she is feeling more volatile than usual, Smith said she prefers to wear her favorite pair of Doc Martens with several buckles to add a critical element of “security” and “stability” to her look. 

      Recently, the lunch line has represented a long regiment of students with their eyes fixed on the best slices of pepperoni pizza, combat boots strapped tightly to their feet. 

     “The world may be a dangerous place, but East is more dangerous,” said freshman Hardy Yang. “You always have to be prepared—you can’t let your guard down for anything.”  

     Wondering how to style your newest fashion staple? Students recommend wearing slashed cloth, or the type of jean that has been clawed to nothing by a Russian bear.

    If the past few months have told us anything, it’s that combat boots are here to stay. The only question remains: Will teachers be next to latch onto the trend? 

Photo courtesy of David/Flickr

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