Student Survey: 92.9 percent think Freshman Hill should be open, and more

     The ECHO released its first monthly student survey Sep. 14, collecting 282 responses before closing at the end of the month. Among the respondents were 108 seniors, 104 juniors, 60 sophomores and 10 freshmen.

     Here’s what we learned:

Question: Is East a good school?

Question: Do you approve of Principal Casey’s administration?

Question: Should Freshman Hill be fully open to students at lunch?

Question: What is your preference for the new school color?

    Obviously, the results of the ECHO’s survey don’t align with the official decision for the new school color, Light Blue. This is for a number of reasons, namely because the official vote was open to all stakeholders (including parents & staff) and because our survey included write-in choices & an option for no new color.

Question: How helpful is your PAC? (1 being very unhelpful, 10 being very helpful.)

Question: Should the Student Council have more power?

Question: Do you think discrimination is a major problem at East?

Question: How safe do you feel at East? (1 being very unsafe, 10 being very safe)

Question: Are you concerned about COVID-19 at East?

Question: How much homework do you usually have? (1 being way too little, 10 being way too much)

Question: Do you buy school lunch?

Question: If so, how would you rate the quality of the food? (1 being very poor, 10 being very good)

Question: Do you believe in ghosts?

Question: East’s stated theme this year is “Loved, Respected, Connected.” How well do you feel the school embodies these ideals? (1 being very poorly, 10 being very well)

    The ECHO will be releasing a similar student survey each month to gain a better sense of what the student body really thinks about East.

Photo by Hammond Cole Sherouse/The ECHO

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