Student Survey: 79.9 percent disapprove of East’s use of e-hallpass, and more

     The ECHO released its latest monthly student survey Oct. 13, collecting 157 responses before closing at the end of the month. Among the respondents were 38 seniors, 21 juniors, 36 sophomores and 62 freshmen.

     Here’s what we learned:

Question: Is East a good school?

Question: Do you approve of Principal Casey’s administration?

Question: Do you approve of the school’s implementation of e-hallpass?

Question: Do you approve of the school’s implementation of GoGuardian?

Question: Do you think club passes should be required for members to attend meetings at lunch?

Question: East’s official new school color is light blue. What do you think of this choice?

Question: How strict do you think the current tardy policy is? (1 being too lenient, 10 being too strict)

Question: How safe do you feel at East? (1 being very unsafe, 10 being very safe)

Question: Have you ever had a paranormal experience?

Question: East’s stated theme this year is “Loved, Respected, Connected.” How well do you feel the school embodies these ideals? (1 being very poorly, 10 being very well)

    The ECHO will be releasing a similar student survey each month to gain a better sense of what the student body really thinks about East.

Photo by Hammond Cole Sherouse/The ECHO

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