Protesters Storm Capitol Hill to Protect American Values

Motivated by a belief that the election results were fraudulant, a mass of pro-Trump protesters assembled at the Capitol during the counting of electoral college votes, determined to interrupt the process.

“There was widespread election fraud,” said Sarah McCulloch, a demonstrator and local QAnon expert. “The president and his team have produced so many numbers to prove that the results were illegitimate. Voting machines were hacked, a bunch of votes were flipped from Trump to Biden, and the dead rose up from their graves en masse to illegally support the Dems.”

Disturbed at the thought of Democrat-controlled executive and legislative branches, protesters scaled the walls of the Capitol, wearing red, white and blue baseball caps and shrouding themselves in American flags as they broke into and vandalized the nation’s highest offices.

“I’m here because I love my country. There are so many reasons why America is great. We’re the oldest democracy in the world, we have peaceful transitions of power, there’s respect for rule of law and the Constitution. What really disturbs me is that it feels like that’s all being taken away,” said Michael Benton, while spray-painting “elections are for lozers” on the doors of Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s office.

Other demonstrators expressed similar concerns about the overall decline of the nation as they went from room to room looting, breaking windows, graffitiing walls and taking selfies of themselves in the seats of famous legislators.

“You guys, the media, the whole country basically, is out to get us,” said Hunter Martin, as he spun around in Senator Ted Cruz’s office chair. “It’s a huge conspiracy. I should know; if I wasn’t here right now, I would be calling this whole thing fake news.”

Many protesters expressed their disgust with the Democratic party, citing election fraud and their dismay with Progressive policies as justification for their actions.

“The left is morally wrong,” said Amanda Kaminski, standing on Speaker of House Nancy Pelosi’s desk at the center of the House of Representatives and scanning the crowd. “Just take the BLM protests this summer. They violated social distancing orders and committed acts of violence and arson just because they didn’t agree with something. What babies. They can’t even do a protest right.” She pulled out a hunting rifle and began tracking an evacuating Congressional staff member. “Now this is how you protest.”

When asked to respond to the protesters, President Donald Trump gave the following message: “I know your pain, I know you’re hurt. We had an election that was stolen from us. It was a landslide election and everyone knows it, especially the other side. It was fraudulent, but we can’t play into the hands of these people. We love you, you’re very special. But go home, and go home in peace.”

Photo courtesy of Phil Roeder/Flickr