Peruse Peru: Alpaca Peruvian Charcoal Chicken

     Have you ever been to Peru? I haven’t. But I felt pretty close to the real thing when I entered the doors of Alpaca Peruvian Charcoal Chicken, Chapel Hill’s hottest South American restaurant. Immediately you are greeted by the sounds of Peruvian music and surrounded by vibrant colors from floor to ceiling. The scent of spicy black beans and warm chicken wafts over you upon approaching the ordering counter. Photographs of Machu Picchu and little girls in traditional Peruvian dresses help make the wait go by faster. But don’t let the line deter you. After all, you know what they say: There’s a long line for a reason. 

     When it’s your turn to order, you really can’t go wrong. My personal favorite is the ¼ chicken dark meat, yuca fries, and sweet plantains (all for $9.75!). The chicken is melt-in-your-mouth soft with an interesting spice profile I’ve only ever had at this restaurant (although perhaps those of you who have been to Peru can say otherwise). Yuca, a traditional South American tuberous vegetable, makes for a thicker and sweeter fry than traditional American potato fries. But truly, everything at this restaurant (and yes, I have tried everything) will leave you feeling stuffed to the brim with happiness and keep your wallet stuffed with cash as well. 

Image courtesy of Alpaca Chicken

     Even if you’re stuffed, if you’re anything like me you’ll be in the mood for a sweet treat after dinner. For a heart-warming sip of heaven, try the Horchata. This traditional Latin American drink made from rice and milk with a dash of cinnamon will leave you smiling with a milk mustache from ear to ear. Or if you prefer your desserts in solid form, try the alfajores (English translation: deliciously soft caramel-ey cookies). 

     On your way out, make sure to wave to your friends at Cook Out across the street. What they don’t know won’t hurt them… In summary, you’re welcome. 

Photos by Helen Katz/ECHO

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2 Comments on “Peruse Peru: Alpaca Peruvian Charcoal Chicken”

  1. Sorry, but neither Peru nor Chapel Hill is in Mesoamerica. Otherwise, it’s so nice to see all the great content you all are writing this year!

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