East’s famous Quad C corpse retires

     East is currently mourning the loss of Anna Garcia, who announced her retirement last Tuesday. The employee is best known as the dead body in the Quad C stairwell.

     “It’s been a good run,” Garcia said. “but it’s time for me to move onto what’s beyond. I’ll always hold East close to my cold little heart, but I’ve decided to try and reach for the stars.”

     Garcia’s departure has caused a wave of despair to wash over the students at East, many of whom looked up to her.

     “She’s always been an inspiration for me,” said senior Morty Shen. “She helped me apply to colleges and inspired me to major in Corpseology.”

     Garcia started out at East as a janitor, but when an unfortunate accident with a set of cleaning chemicals happened, it jump-started her career to what it is today. 

     “It was honestly a miracle when she first died,” said biomed teacher Patty Berge. “I was explaining how to determine causes of death, when we walked out on her just laying there cold! It was a wonderful teaching moment and she’s been helping me ever since.”

     Yet even through her rich history with the school, Garcia still has some hang-ups about working at East. 

     “A driving issue for me was definitely the pay,” Garcia said. “I mean, I’ve been poisoned, drugged, irradiated and electrocuted, yet I can’t even afford to pay rent. I have to sleep at the school most nights and it’s really dispiriting.”

     Though she’s leaving East behind, Garcia has big dreams for her future career. 

     “I’ve been getting into acting recently,” Garcia said. “Apparently they’re making a live action version of ‘The Corpse Bride,’ and my agent was able to land me an audition, so I’m definitely excited for that.”

Photo by Will Pazzula/The ECHO

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